Final Exam

For this take-home exam, you will implement a union-find data structure and employ Kruskal's algorithm towards image region labeling and image segmentation.

Important Dates

ReleaseFriDec 1712:30 PM ET
DueSatDec 1812:30 PM ET


  • You may add private fields/methods/inner classes to the starter code.
  • You are not allowed to add/change public fields/methods/classes/interfaces in the starter code.
  • You are not allowed to use data structures that were not covered in this course.
  • You are allowed (and encouraged to) use Java's built-in data structures (unless specified otherwise).
  • Your Java source code must be Checkstyle compliant with the course configuration file.
  • We have some AutoTests, but you will not see the outcome until after the grades are published.

Download the starter code here.