Exercise IIX

Consider the array data structure (i.e., Java's built-in array). Then, we define the following operations:

  • insert front: insert an element to the front of an array (prepend the array). This is not updating the value of an existing element.
  • insert middle: insert an element at a random index $i$ where $0 < i < \text{length} - 1$
  • insert back: insert an element to the end of the array (append the array). assume array has enough capacity.
  • corresponding delete operations (delete front, delete middle, delete back).
  • access: read an element at a random index.

Exercise Based on your understanding of the array data structure, complete the following table. Use Big-Oh notation for expressing asymptotic runtime.

OperationAsymptotic runtime
insert front
insert middle
insert back
delete front
delete middle
delete back
OperationAsymptotic runtime
insert front$O(n)$ — shift all elements to right to make room for new one
insert middle$O(n)$ — shift elements to make a gap
insert back$O(1)$ — insert at arr[numElements]
delete front$O(n)$ — shift all elements to left to fill the gap
delete middle$O(n)$ — shift elements to fill a gap
delete back$O(1)$ — decrement numElements
access$O(1)$ — performs constant # arithmetic operations!

Accessing an element at a given position is $O(1)$:

  • It takes a constant number of arithmetic operations to figure out where the element is located in the computer memory; the program knows the beginning of the array and the size of each element.
  • Under the RAM model, it is "free" to access each memory location. In reality, it takes a constant time (a bounded time) to access each address in the computer memory.
  • Since finding the address is $O(1)$, and retrieving the element in it is also $O(1)$, it gives you a total of $O(1)$.