
Consider the color.png image. There are five colors but seven regions (two blacks, two greens, one red, one blue and one white).

Open the ImageRegions.java file and review the main method.

BufferedImage image = ImageUtility.getBufferedImage("tiny/color.png");
Color[][] pixels = ImageUtility.getPixels(image);
UnionFind<Integer> regions = new RasterUnionFind(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
labelRegions(pixels, regions);
printLabels(regions, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

Notice that the labelRegions function goes over every pixel and calls "union" to merge it with its "neighbors" if the pixel has the same color as its neighbors. Before entering the function, we construct a 2D array of pixel colors and a Union-Find data structure. At this stage, the parentID inside the Union-Find must contain each pixel's pixelID. Here is a schematic representation of the parentID array overlayed on a graph representation of the image. (There are no edges between the nodes at this point. We will add edges as we call the union to merge image pixels and form regions.)

Inside the labelRegions function, we iterate over the elements of pixels array in row-major order.

  • The pixel at $(0,0)$ with pixelID == 0 does not have the same color as its neighbors. Therefore, we move on to the next pixel.
  • The pixel at $(1,0)$ with pixelID == 1 has the same color as its neighbors (to its right and bottom). Therefore, we call union(1, 2) to merge pixel with ID of $1$ with the pixel with ID of $2$. This must result in the following changes to the parentID array.
  • Next, we call union(1, 6) to merge pixel with ID of $1$ with the pixel with ID of $6$. This must result in the following changes to the parentID array.
  • We now move to the pixel at $(2,0)$ with pixelID == 2. This pixel has the same color as its neighbor to its left and south. Therefore, we call union(2, 1) and union(2, 7). However, union(2, 1) will not result in any changes since these pixels are already connected. The union(2, 7) results in the following parentID array.
  • We now move to the pixel at $(3,0)$ with pixelID == 3. This pixel has the same color as its neighbor to its right and south. Therefore, we call union(3, 4) followed by union(3,8), resulting in the following parentID array.
  • We then move to the pixel at $(4,0)$ with pixelID == 4. This pixel has the same color as its neighbor to its left and south. Therefore, we call union(4, 3) followed by union(4,9), resulting in the following parentID array.
  • We are done with the first row. The algorithm will proceed to apply the same process to the second row of pixels array. The application of union operations should result in the following parentID array.
  • By the time labelRegions is done, you should have the following parentID array.

If you correctly implement the Union-Find data structures and run ImageRegions.main method, you should see the following output:

Number of regions: 7
Region labels:

  0	  1	  1	  3	  3	

  1	  1	  1	  3	  3	

  1	  1	 12	 13	 13	

 15	 15	 13	 13	 13	

 15	 15	 13	 13	 24	

Please skim over the printLabels method and note how it uses the count and find operations of the Union-Find data structure.