Exercise XIII

Exercise For each of the $T(n)$ running time listed below, figure out the asymptotic runtime and express it in Big-Oh notation. Then rank the functions in growth rate order, starting with the slowest growth rate (i.e those resulting in a fast runtime), and ending with the fastest growth rate (worst runtime). If two functions have the same asymptotic runtime, then rank them based on the original expressions (including constants).

$\left ( \lg \frac{n}{4} \right )^3$
$\left ( 3n + \lg n \right )^2$
$2 \lg n^2$
$\left ( 2^n \right )^2 + \lg n$
$n^2 \lg 16$
$2n\lg\lg n$
$4n^2+n(10 + \lg n)$
$\left ( \lg \frac{n}{4} \right )^3$$\left ( \lg n - \lg 4 \right )^3 = \left ( \lg n - 2 \right )^3 \in O(\lg^3 n)$2
$(n^2-4)/(n+2)$$(n-2)(n+2)/(n+2) \in O(n)$3
$\left ( 3n + \lg n \right )^2$$9n^2+\lg^2 n + 6n\lg n \in O(n^2)$7
$2 \lg n^2$$4 \lg n \in O(\lg n)$1
$\left ( 2^n \right )^2 + \lg n$$4^n+\lg n \in O(4^n)$8
$n^2 \lg 16$$4n^2 \in O(n^2)$5
$2n\lg\lg n$$O(n\lg\lg n)$4
$4n^2+n(10 + \lg n)$$4n^2+10n+n\lg n \in O(n^2)$6

Logarithmic identities are essential for solving the above exercise.