
This course will have in-person midterm exams.


  • Date: Monday, Oct 4
  • Time: Section-1 from 12:00 to 01:15, and Section-2 from 01:30 to 02:45
  • Location: Section-1 at Shafer-3, and Section-2 at Ramsen-1
  • Topics: Everything from the start, up to (and including) Stack.
  • Sample: midterm-1
  • Starter: Section 1, Section 2


  • Date: Monday, Nov 8
  • Time: Section-1 from 12:00 to 01:15, and Section-2 from 01:30 to 02:45
  • Location: Section-1 at Shafer-3, and Section-2 at Ramsen-1
  • Topics: Everything from the start, up to (and including) Hash Tables. The emphasis will be on topics after midterm-1.
  • Sample: midterm-2
  • Starter: Section 1, Section 2


You need to use your laptop and open the exam as a project in IntelliJ. Please ensure your laptop is fully charged. Moreover, please install the following IntelliJ plugin ahead of the exam time.


  • Exams are closed book/note. However, you may bring with you a single sheet of self-prepared notes.
  • Make sure your full name and JHED are written on both sides of the sheet.
  • You may only use one side of the sheet for notes. The other side may be used for scratch work.
  • You need to use your laptop and open the exam as a project in IntelliJ. All other electronics must be stowed away. (Make sure your phone is turned off or silenced.)
  • Close all other programs on your laptop. In particular, turn off all notification/communication apps. (You may remain connected to Wi-Fi)
  • You may be asked to present your J-card for identification.
  • You may be asked to hand in your self-prepared notes before leaving.
  • You may be asked to remain in the room until the class period ends.
  • You may not use any communication devices (phone, etc.) while in the classroom.

For coding exercises:

  • You may add private fields/methods/inner classes to the starter code.
  • You are not allowed to add/change public fields/methods/classes/interfaces in the starter code.
  • You are not allowed to use data structures that were not covered in this course.
  • You are not allowed to use Java's built-in data structures (unless specified otherwise).
  • You are encouraged (but not required) to write Checkstyle compliant Java code.


We expect you to abide by the university's Covid-related policies for attending in-person events on campus. Moreover, you must comply with our Academic Integrity policies (as highlighted in the Course Syllabus). In addition:

  • Do not discuss the questions/answers with other students even after the exam. Please consider some students may not have taken the exam yet. More to that point, please do not post any public questions about the exams on our discussion board.

  • Asking any clarifying question during the exam would naturally require you to speak with a proctor in close proximity. This behavior is a safety risk for you and the proctor, given we are still dealing with the pandemic. Therefore, we ask you to please not ask any clarifying questions unless you absolutely have to. When in doubt, make reasonable assumptions and write those assumptions along with the answer (e.g., as comments in the code.).

Submission & Grading

The submission and evaluation process will be similar to homework.