Exercise I

Consider the following function $T(n)$ describes the precise running time of an algorithm:

$$ T(n) = 3n^2 - 100n + 6 $$

Exercise Prove $T(n) \in O(n^2)$.


We can choose $c=3$ and $n_0=1$ for the definition of Big-Oh to hold.

$$ 3n^2 - 100n + 6 \le 3n^2 $$

Recall the choice of $n_0$ and $c$ are not unique.

There can be many (actually, infinitely many) different combinations of $n_0$ and $c$ that would make the proof work. It depends on what inequalities you use while doing the upper-bounding.

Exercise Prove $T(n) \in O(n^3)$.


We can choose $c=1$ and $n_0=1$ for the definition of Big-Oh to hold.

$$ 3n^2 - 100n + 6 \le n^3 $$

Big-Oh expresses an upper bound but does not necessarily provide a precise description of the worst-case running time, i.e., it is not necessarily a tight upper bound.

Exercise Prove $T(n) \notin O(n)$.


There is no $c$ and $n_0$ where we can write $c \times n \ge 3n^2$ when $n > c$.