The List ADT: Generic Positional List

Here is the List ADT, which is an abstraction build on top of the doubly linked list:

 * Generic positional list abstraction.
 * @param <T> Element type.
public interface List<T> extends Iterable<T> {
   * Number of elements in this list.
   * @return Number of elements.
  int length();

   * List is empty or not.
   * @return True if empty, false otherwise.
  boolean empty();

   * Insert at the front of this list.
   * @param data Element to insert.
   * @return Position created to hold element.
  Position<T> insertFront(T data);

   * Insert at the back of this list.
   * @param data Element to insert.
   * @return Position created to hold element.
  Position<T> insertBack(T data);

   * Insert before a position.
   * @param p Position to insert before.
   * @param data Element to insert.
   * @return Position created to hold element.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid for this list.
  Position<T> insertBefore(Position<T> p, T data) throws PositionException;

   * Insert after a position.
   * @param p Position to insert after.
   * @param data Element to insert.
   * @return Position created to hold element.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid for this list.
  Position<T> insertAfter(Position<T> p, T data) throws PositionException;

   * Remove a position.
   * @param p Position to remove.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid for this list.
  void remove(Position<T> p) throws PositionException;

   * Remove from the front of this list.
   * @throws EmptyException If this list is empty.
  void removeFront() throws EmptyException;

   * Remove from the back of this list.
   * @throws EmptyException If this list is empty.
  void removeBack() throws EmptyException;

   * First position.
   * @return First position.
   * @throws EmptyException If this list is empty.
  Position<T> front() throws EmptyException;

   * Last position.
   * @return Last position.
   * @throws EmptyException If this list is empty.
  Position<T> back() throws EmptyException;

   * This position is the first position or not.
   * @param p Position to examine.
   * @return True if p is the first position, false otherwise.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid for this list.
  boolean first(Position<T> p) throws PositionException;

   * This position is the last position or not.
   * @param p Position to examine.
   * @return True if p is the last position, false otherwise.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid for this list.
  boolean last(Position<T> p) throws PositionException;

   * Next position.
   * @param p Position to examine.
   * @return Position after p.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid or the last position.
  Position<T> next(Position<T> p) throws PositionException;

   * Previous position.
   * @param p Position to examine.
   * @return Position before p.
   * @throws PositionException If p is invalid or the first position.
  Position<T> previous(Position<T> p) throws PositionException;

   * Returns an iterator "going forward" over list elements of type T.
   * The standard iterator() method creates one of these.
   * @return Iterator going from front to back.
  Iterator<T> forward();

   * Returns an iterator "going backward" over list elements of type T.
   * @return Iterator going from back to front.
  Iterator<T> backward();


  • You can insert/remove from either end.
  • You can insert/remove in between given a "position."
  • There are several "getter" methods to access, e.g., front, back, and the next or previous positions given a "position."
  • There are three iterators: forward, backward, and a default one inherited from Iterable.