Big-Oh Notation

Suppose you have counted the number of steps a program takes and described the worst-case runtime as follows:

$$ T(n) = 12754n^{2} + 4353n + 834\lg n + 13546 $$

We can describe the runtime of this program simply as $O(n^2)$ (read it "big O of $n$ squared").

$T(n)$ is the precise running time whereas $O(n^2)$ is the program's asymptotic running time.

How do we go from $T(n)$ to $O(n^2)$?

We suppress the constant factors (set them to $1$, resulting in $n^{2} + n + \lg n + 1$) and drop (ignore) the lower-order terms (resulting in $n^{2}$).

This simplification may seem excessively imprecise. In particular, we put so much effort into calculating the running time under the RAM model in the previous chapter! But, it turns out this approximation is sufficient to compare the efficiency of algorithms.